Results for ' De Savage'

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  1.  31
    Parent Scaffolding of Young Children When Engaged with Mobile Technology.Eileen Wood, Marjan Petkovski, Domenica De Pasquale, Alexandra Gottardo, Mary Ann Evans & Robert S. Savage - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Galens Traktat "Dass die Kräfte der Seele den Mischungen des Körpers folgen'' in arabischer Übersetzung. Hans Heinrich Biesterfeldt.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):635-636.
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    Personal probabilities of probabilities.Jacob Marschak, Morris H. Degroot, J. Marschak, Karl Borch, Herman Chernoff, Morris De Groot, Robert Dorfman, Ward Edwards, T. S. Ferguson, Koichi Miyasawa, Paul Randolph, Leonard J. Savage, Robert Schlaifer & Robert L. Winkler - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (2):121-153.
  4.  25
    Book Review: Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman. [REVIEW]Catharine Savage Brosman - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):417-418.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual WomanCatharine Savage BrosmanSimone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman, by Toril Moi; xii & 324 pp. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994, $54.95 cloth, $21.95 paper.Eschewing linear patterns and other conventional ways of writing lives, feminist critic Toril Moi has undertaken instead to construct a “personal genealogy” of Beauvoir, using notions derived partly from Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu (Jacques (...)
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    Judgment, Imagination and the Search for Justice.Roger W. H. Savage - 2015 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 6 (2).
    The multiplicity of demands and claims in ultra-pluralistic societies complicates the search for justice. Furthermore, the normative force of competing ideals gives rise to an aporia at the heart of the idea of justice’s federating force. In this article, I argue that exemplary moral and political acts evince these ideals by reason of their fittingness with respect to the demands of the situations to which they respond. As such, these acts lay claim to their normative value by exemplifying the “rule” (...)
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    L'évolution et le développement du langage humain chez Homo Symbolicus et Pan Symbolicus.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & Fields - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):39-79.
    Bien que la dichotomie classique homme/animal continue de sous-tendre la pensée scientifique occidentale, la génétique moléculaire prouve que les humains sont bien plus proches des chimpanzés et des bonobos que ne pouvaient le supposer les chercheurs en se fondant seulement sur l’évidence anatomique, il y a quelques décennies. Le degré de similitude de l’ADN entre humains, bonobos et chimpanzés autorise à nous classer tous trois comme espèces-sœurs. Ce qui signifie, aussi étrange que cela pui..
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    Systems thinking in international education and development: unlocking learning for all?Moira V. Faul & Laura Savage (eds.) - 2023 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The global education crisis is a complex problem that requires change from teachers, school managers, civil society, implementers, planners, governments and donors. Addressing the issues that lie beneath this crisis requires new ways of working. Systems thinking is a suite of approaches to grappling with complex problems that is beginning to gain traction in international education. This innovative book brings together new research in the nascent field of systems thinking in international education to exemplify how systems thinking offers the tools, (...)
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    Naturwissenschaft bei den Arabern im 10. Jahrhundert n. Chr.: Briefe des Abu l-Fadl Ibn al-Amid an Adudaddaula. Hans DaiberScience in Medieval Islam: An Illustrated Introduction. Howard R. Turner. [REVIEW]Emilie Savage-Smith - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):582-585.
  9.  30
    Lucia Raggetti. ʿĪsā ibn ʿAlī’s Book on the Useful Properties of Animal Parts: Edition, Translation, and Study of a Fluid Tradition. (Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures, 6.) xxxvi + 590 pp., notes, bibl., app., index. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. €148.95 (cloth); ISBN 9783110549867. E-book available. [REVIEW]Emilie Savage-Smith - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):869-870.
  10.  33
    Galens Exzerpte aus älteren PharmakologenCajus Fabricius.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1974 - Isis 65 (4):531-532.
  11.  16
    “Salvación” y “tragedia” en torno al binomio naturaleza/cultura en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset.Alejandro De Haro Honrubia & Francesco Trotta - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    This paper deals with the dialectic “nature/culture” in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset and related to the ideas of salvation and tragedy. Justify the elaboration of his article in the fact that this topic has not been studied in-depth through the complete works of the philosopher of the vital reason. The results/conclusions are the following ones: In a first period, it stands out the primate of culture in Ortega´s thought, who considers the last one as saviour and also (...)
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  12. De Selvagem A Cidadão: Os Caminhos Percorridos Pelo Homem Até A Constituição Do Corpo Moral E Coletivo.: From Savage To Citizen: The Path Followed By Mankind Toward The Establishment Of The Moral And Collective Body.Caius Brandão - 2010 - Griot 2 (2):95-104.
    A partir do sistema político-filosófico de Jean-Jaques Rousseau, o objetivo desteartigo é iniciar uma possível compreensão genealógica acerca da relação entre o bemcomum e o bem de si mesmo. Através de uma análise parcial do arcabouço teóricoconceitualsobre a natureza humana e do modelo de soberania popular e deestruturação da sociedade civil proposto pelo filósofo, será posta em discussão arelação entre a vontade geral – que sempre quer o bem comum – e as vontadesparticulares – que sempre buscam o bem de (...)
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    Préserver la Nature ou se Révolter pour le Vivant? in advance.Blaise de Saint Phalle - forthcoming - Eco-Ethica.
    Should we preserve nature or revolt in order to protect “the living” (“le vivant”)? At first sight, this invites a comparison between two ways and means of protecting nature. However, this article will defend the thesis that these two methods of protecting nature do not rest upon the same conception of our position, as human beings, towards the living. Indeed, in the end, we find an underlying opposition between nature, conceived as savage or as radical alterity (often inspired by (...)
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  14. Firmin, de Sam Savage.María Simón - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):86.
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  15. Vitoux . L'Œuvre de Walter Savage Landor. [REVIEW]Kemp Malone - 1967 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 45 (1):167-168.
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  16. Savage and Modern Liberty.Samuel Moyn - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (2):164-187.
    This article is a study of the trajectory of the contemporary French liberal philosopher Marcel Gauchet from his early, ‘anarchist’ commitments through the 1970s to his discovery and defense of liberalism, notably as expressed in his 1980 revival and interpretation of his 19th-century countryman Benjamin Constant’s post-revolutionary liberalism. Discussed in the article are Gauchet’s devotion to and revision of the portrait of primitive society he inherited from the French anthropologist Pierre Clastres, how his early political and theoretical concerns are transmuted (...)
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  17. Adam Smith on Savages.Sergio Cremaschi - 2017 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1):13-36.
    I argue that (i) even though Adam Smith’s four stages theory has been criticized with good reasons as both vitiated by undue generalization from modern Europe to the first stage and made bottom-heavy by assumptions of modern episteme, yet, in his writings an alternative view emerges where the savage is not just crushed under the weight of want and isolation but is endowed with imagination and sympathy; (ii) his picture of the fourth stage is, far from a triumphal apology (...)
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    (1 other version)L’image du sauvage dans le thé'tre quechua et l’iconographie des queros (Pérou, XVII-XVIII)La imagen del salvaje en el teatro quechua y en la iconografía de los queros (Perú, XVII-XVIII)The figure of the savage in quechua theatre and in queros iconography.Rossella Martin - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    Hobbes Among the Savages: Politics, War, and Enmity in the So-called State of Nature.Allan M. Hillani - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (1):97-121.
    In this article I argue that Thomas Hobbes’s theory of the “state of nature” should be understood as describing a thoroughly political situation. Hobbes’s exemplification of the state of nature by resorting to the “savages” of America should be taken in its ultimately paradoxical character, one that puts in question the stark opposition between a prepolitical natural state and the properly political state resulting from the “social contract.” Through the lenses of ethnographic studies and anthropological theory, I propose a reinterpretation (...)
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  20. De Finetti was Right: Probability Does Not Exist.Robert F. Nau - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):89-124.
    De Finetti's treatise on the theory of probability begins with the provocative statement PROBABILITY DOES NOT EXIST, meaning that probability does not exist in an objective sense. Rather, probability exists only subjectively within the minds of individuals. De Finetti defined subjective probabilities in terms of the rates at which individuals are willing to bet money on events, even though, in principle, such betting rates could depend on state-dependent marginal utility for money as well as on beliefs. Most later authors, from (...)
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    Próbowanie innych Michela de Montaigne.Jakub Dadlez - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):219-242.
    The article reconsiders a historical example of thinking about otherness. The example is the Essays by Michel de Montaigne, a piece of work from the early modern times which undermines the interpretation of the contemporary times as a modern age, i.e. supposedly more open, less dogmatic, and less hostile towards strangers. Four figures of otherness are taken into account: an infidel, a “savage,” a woman, and an animal, proving Montaigne’s particular openness. It turns out that the Essays induce a (...)
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    Les Limites de la rationalité.Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pierre Livet & Bénédicte Reynaud (eds.) - 1997 - Paris: Editions la Découverte.
    Les fondements de la théorie du choix rationnel, dans ses multiples déclinaisons (économie théorique, théorie de la décision, théorie des jeux, théorie de l'action que l'on trouve au cœur de la philosophie analytique, etc.), ne sont plus aussi assurés en cette fin du XXe siècle qu'ils semblaient l'être durant, ou immédiatement après, la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsqu'un John von Neumann ou un Leonard Savage en posaient les prolégomènes. A la source des difficultés présentes, on trouve l'ambition croissante de la (...)
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    Autour des conférences de Nietzsche «Sur l’avenir de nos établissements d’enseignement».Arnaud Francois, Vladimir Milisavljevic, Cristiana Asavoaie, Anna Bonalume & Jose A. Errazuriz - 2015 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 7 (2):252-272.
    The text focuses on reflecting on the role of modern university in a man intellectual development, starting from Nietzsche’s ideas. By drawing up some of the main methodological and philosophical concepts of the German philosopher, the text highlights a series of aspects on the Humboldian nature of current universities – a state of tension under the political, economic and social factors. Thus, the classic concepts of Bildung and Kultur specific to the XIX-century University are analyzed in relation with the crisis (...)
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    Problemas de la filosofía de la cultura en Nietzsche: el mito del hombre salvaje en El Nacimiento de la Tragedia.Joan Llinares - 2015 - Quaderns de Filosofia 2 (1):39-59.
    This paper has two aims: first, to present succinctly a variety of problems in the philosophy of culture that Nietzsche’s work deal with. To this end, the author will analyze several issues that arise when Nietzsche’s original terms are translated into Spanish. Moreover, the author will discuss the contributions of two major French scholars in this area: E. Blondel and P. Wotling. The second aim of this paper is to focus on the configuration of the myth of the savage (...)
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  25.  37
    Jenseits des Naturzustandes. Eine postkoloniale Lektüre von Hobbes und Rousseau.Patricia Purtschert - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):861-882.
    The state of nature is a fundamental concept of modern political philosophy. As such, it is particularly associated with Thomas Hobbes’ and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s work. As the following article shows, the state of nature is not simply an auxiliary construction [Hilfskonstruktion] for a theory that aims to clarify the relation between the political order and its origins and normative principles. It is also a figure of thought that introduces colonial images into political philosophy. The following reading of Hobbes and Rousseau, (...)
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    Geschichte des Erbsündedogmas Vol. II. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):158-158.
    This is the second volume of the author's ambitious attempt at outlining the history of the dogma of original sin from its beginning to our days. The reader of the first volume witnessed a concerted attack against the dogma and especially against its Augustinian formulation. The second volume deals with perhaps the most obscure period of this dogma's development: the one between the fifth and the eleventh centuries. In the West—thanks to Augustine's undisputed authority—the dogma became accepted as an integral (...)
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    Benjamin D. Hopkins, 'Ruling the Savage Periphery. Frontier Governance and the Making of the Modern State', Harvard University Press, Cambridge, London, 2020. 288 páginas. ISBN: 9780674980709. [REVIEW]Miguel Á Sánchez Fuentes - 2020 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 20:81-83.
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    Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de Staël.Susanne Hillman - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):231-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de StaëlSusanne HillmanOn 23 May 1812 Germaine de Staël (1766–1817), Europe’s best-known enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte, set out from her estate on Lake Geneva to escape to England. In her reminiscences, she reflected on the pivotal event as follows:[A]fter ten years of ever-increasing persecutions [...] I was obliged to leave two homelands as a (...)
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    Hans-Joachim Schoeps (Hrsg.): Zeitgeist der Au f klärung, Beiträge von Karl Epting, Gerhard Funke, Kurt Kluxen, Karl Kupisch, Hans-Joachim Maurer, Pierre-Paul Savage, Hans-Joachim Schoeps, Hellmuth von Ulmann, Alfred Voigt, Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 1972, 199 pp. [REVIEW]Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (4):356-356.
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    Del infrarrealismo al real visceralismo: Bolaño Y la autocrítica de un marginal.Ainhoa Vásquez Mejías - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:57-68.
    El artículo indaga acerca de la poética del movimiento mexicano “Infrarrealista”, así como sus principales influencias estéticas y literarias, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Para ello se analiza la novela de Roberto Bolaño: Los detectives salvajes, como una reescritura autocrítica que realiza el autor a su propio proyecto poético varios años después de que este fracasara en su intento por aliar arte y vida. This article investigates the poetry of the Mexican movement “Infrarealism”, as well as its main aesthetics and literary (...)
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    Der Alteritätsdiskurs des Edlen Wilden: Exotismus, Anthropologie und Zivilisationskritik am Beispiel eines europäischen Topos.Monika Fludernik, Peter Haslinger & Stefan Kaufmann - 2002
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    O conceito situacionista de cultura.Eurico Carvalho - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):121-132.
    This paper aims to present and discuss Guy Debord and the Situationists' conception of culture. In doing so, it is necessary to clear up a few misconceptions from the outset: contrary to appearances, they do not advocate an anti-cultural attitude. Contrariwise, we are at the antipodes of “Neo‑primitivism". When Debord asserts his rejection of contemporary “Neo‑primitivism”, this is akin, in Schillerian language, to rejecting the position of the “savage”, as depicted by Rousseau in his canonical romantic portrait. In the (...)
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  33. From Orality to Writing: The Reality of a Conversion through the Work of the Jesuit Father Jose de Anchieta (1534-1597).Jean-Claude Laborie - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):56-71.
    We are in 1563, somewhere on a Brazilian beach about 100 kilometres north of what is now São Paulo. A young man in a cowled robe alone on the beach is writing a poem on the sand with the point of his stick. The hostage of a savage tribe for weeks, he struggles daily against manifold carnal temptations, personified in the voluptuous native women who come to visit him every evening in his hammock, and addresses his Latin verses to (...)
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    Disrupting the Coloniality of Being: Toward De-colonial Ontologies in Philosophy of Education.Troy A. Richardson - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (6):539-551.
    This essay works to bridge conversations in philosophy of education with decolonial theory. The author considers Margonis’ ( 1999 , 2011a , b ) use of Rousseau ( 1979 ) and Heidegger ( 1962 ) in developing an ontological attitude that counters social hierarchies and promotes anti-colonial relations. While affirming this effort, the essay outlines a coloniality of being at work in Rousseau and Heidegger through thier reliance on the colonial conceptualization of African Americans and Native Americans as savage (...)
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    A Natureza em Merleau-Ponty: Prolegómenos a uma leitura das Notes de Cours du Collège de France, 1956-1960.Luís António Umbelino - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (3):713 - 730.
    Objectivo deste artigo é, antes de mais, propor uma introdução à leitura das Notes de Cours du Collège de France (1956-1960) dedicadas por Maurice Merleau-Ponty ao conceito de Natureza. O artigo parte da constatação de que na meditação merleau-pontyana a Natureza assume o lugar de uma importante ramificação do questionamento ontológico. Mostra-se, dessa forma, por que razão devemos ver na Natureza uma folha de Ser ou o próprio Sensível, já visível no animal e inscrito no corpo como espaço-tempo vivido, eco (...)
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    An essay on the principles of Rousseau’s anthropology.Pablo Muchnik - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (2):51-77.
    Against the impression that Rousseau is an eclectic thinker, this paper is an attempt to reconstruct the systematic core of his anthropology. First, I discuss the methodological starting-point. Second, I develop the structural framework required to make the concept of nature operative as an ideal within social contexts. Finally, I interpret Rousseau's genetic account in terms of this framework. Such a procedure allows me to solve two interpretative problems, the aporia of the origin of wickedness and the question of man's (...)
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    Sobre a Stimmung: biranismo e fenomenologia.Luís António Umbelino - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):437-448.
    Marc Richir ha mostrado en obras recientes la importancia de un análisis fenomenológico de las relaciones complejas entre fantasía, imaginación y afectividad, a fin de descifrar nuestra “demasiado humana” naturaleza. La terra incognita que se deja contemplar desde tal encrucijada de conceptos es difícil de analizar y plantea el reto de comprender que no podemos “medir” nuestra “condición humana” sin tomar en consideración las dimensiones imaginativas y afectivas, las fronteras de la razón, los puntales de la institución simbólica, la presencia (...)
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  38. A conflict between finite additivity and avoiding dutch book.Teddy Seidenfeld & Mark J. Schervish - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):398-412.
    For Savage (1954) as for de Finetti (1974), the existence of subjective (personal) probability is a consequence of the normative theory of preference. (De Finetti achieves the reduction of belief to desire with his generalized Dutch-Book argument for Previsions.) Both Savage and de Finetti rebel against legislating countable additivity for subjective probability. They require merely that probability be finitely additive. Simultaneously, they insist that their theories of preference are weak, accommodating all but self-defeating desires. In this paper we (...)
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    Critiques d’« art bête » dans les années 1990.Morgan Labar - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):39-48.
    Dans la deuxième moitié des années 1980 s’est développée, dans l’ensemble du champ de la culture, une véritable esthétique de la bêtise. Quelques jeunes critiques d’art se sont alors emparés du phénomène et ont tenté de le théoriser, entre 1994 et 1998, dans les revues les plus lues de l’époque : Flash Art International, Artpress, Frieze. L’étude de ce corpus d’articles (signés par Joshua Decter, Éric Troncy, Jon Savage, Andrew Hulktrans et Jean-Yves Jouannais) témoigne à la fois des mutations (...)
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    When coherent preferences may not preserve indifference between equivalent random variables: A price for unbounded utilities.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark Schervish & Joseph Kadane - unknown
    We extend de Finetti’s (1974) theory of coherence to apply also to unbounded random variables. We show that for random variables with mandated infinite prevision, such as for the St. Petersburg gamble, coherence precludes indifference between equivalent random quantities. That is, we demonstrate when the prevision of the difference between two such equivalent random variables must be positive. This result conflicts with the usual approach to theories of Subjective Expected Utility, where preference is defined over lotteries. In addition, we explore (...)
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    (1 other version)The Orthologic of Epistemic Modals.Wesley H. Holliday & Matthew Mandelkern - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (4):831-907.
    Epistemic modals have peculiar logical features that are challenging to account for in a broadly classical framework. For instance, while a sentence of the form p¬pp\wedge \Diamond \lnot p (‘p, but it might be that not p’) appears to be a contradiction, ¬p\Diamond \lnot p does not entail ¬p\lnot p, which would follow in classical logic. Likewise, the classical laws of distributivity and disjunctive syllogism fail for epistemic modals. Existing attempts to account for these facts generally either under- or over-correct. (...)
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    The boxer and the goalkeeper: Sartre vs Camus.Andrew Martin - 2012 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    Jean-Paul Sartre is the author of possibly the most notorious one-liner of twentieth-century philosophy: 'Hell is other people'. Albert Camus was The Outsider. The two men first came together in Occupied Paris in the middle of the Second World War, and quickly became friends, comrades, and mutual admirers. But the intellectual honeymoon was short-lived. In 1943, with Nazis patrolling the streets, Sartre and Camus sat in a café on the boulevard Saint-Germain with Simone de Beauvoir and began a discussion about (...)
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    The Porcelain Workshop: For a New Grammar of Politics.Antonio Negri - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    A philosopher and political thinker describes a new political grammar free of modernist assumptions. In 2004 and 2005, Antonio Negri held ten workshops at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris to formulate a new political grammar of the postmodern. Biopolitics, biopowers, control, the multitude, people, war, borders, dependency and interdependency, state, nation, the common, difference, resistance, subjective rights, revolution, freedom, democracy: these are just a few of the themes Negri addressed in these experimental laboratories. Postmodernity, Negri suggests, can be (...)
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    ... sicut mitissima satyris. Una nota testuale a Plin. Nat. 8.216.Marco Vespa - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (2):236-246.
    In book 8 of his Naturalis historia, Pliny the Elder mentions the particularly savage character of some monkeys. Most editions and translations of Pliny’s text maintain that the reference to the fierce nature of these animals concerns both the cynocephali and the satyri. However, in the manuscript Riccardianus 488 (R in the transmission of Pliny), a second hand, contemporary to the period in which the text was copied, added supra lineam the obscure term *miarsima, which would refer to the (...)
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    The Shimmering Maya and Other Essays (review).Patrick Gerard Henry - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):136-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Shimmering Maya and Other EssaysPatrick HenryThe Shimmering Maya and Other Essays, by Catharine Savage Brosman; 149 pp. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1994, $24.94.When the author was fifteen, she held the rank of “prospector” at Girl Scout Camp. Now, over forty years later, she is “digging down through the layers, sifting through the running stream of memory” (p. 14). Her art of prospecting affords the (...)
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    ‘Primitive’: A key concept in Chidester’s critique of imperial and Van der Leeuw’s phenomenological study of religion.Johan M. Strijdom - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):6.
    A critical examination of the history of theories and uses of concepts such as ‘primitive’ and ‘savage’ in the academic study of religion in imperial, colonial and postcolonial contexts is particularly urgent in our time with its demands to decolonise Western models of knowledge production. In Savage Systems (1996) and Empire of Religion (2014), David Chidester has contributed to this project by relating the invention and use of terms such as ‘religion’, ‘primitive’ and ‘savage’ by theorists of (...)
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    Conceptualizaciones sobre el estado en el anti-edipo: Capitalismo Y esquizofrenia.María Pagotto - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:85-103.
    Este artículo analiza los aspectos centrales de la concepción del Estado en El Anti-Edipo. Capitalismo y esquizofrenia, en particular los desarrollos ofrecidos en el capítulo tercero: "Salvajes, Bárbaros, Civilizados". La innovadora figura del Estado surge de un juego polifónico, abigarrado, discontinuo y elíptico con Karl Marx a partir de la noción de Modo de producción asiático; con Friedrich Nietzsche considerando la noción de origen y domesticación; y con Sigmund Freud siguiendo la noción de latencia. Los rasgos centrales para su conceptualización (...)
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    Escalas de justicia y emancipación: Inclusión, redistribución y reconocimiento.Oscar Pérez de la Fuente - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:378 - 391.
    Este trabajo intenta analizar las tensiones e interrelaciones entre el paradigma del reconocimiento y el paradigma de la redistribución. En concreto se analiza críticamente la obra de Nancy Frazer. En este sentido, se propone el paradigma de la inclusión, para un tercer ámbito, el de la política. Este paradigma se basaría en el ideal de la igual dignidad y la tricotomía inclusión/exclusión/participación. También se plantean reservas a la noción de paridad participativa, que según Fraser, hace conmensurables todas las demandas de (...)
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    Informe sobre el Centro de Documentación Kantiana.Dulce María Granja de Castro de Probert - 2004 - Endoxa 1 (18):521.
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    Between Eclecticism and Positivism.Barbara Skarga & Aleksander Sitkowiecki - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (1-2):77-82.
    Christopher Arciszewski (1592–1656), Arian mercenary and man of many facets, conducted a journal in which, it is suspected, he described military campaigns, the state of the colony and other interesting phenomena he was able to observe during his time of service in Brazil. In 1641, Gerard Vossius was completing his magnum opus De theologia. In Chapter 8 of the first volume, Vossius discusses the “cult of the demon” among various peoples. As an example the Netherlander erudite provides a colorful description (...)
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